Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Google Earth

Today we got to work with google earth.  I had no idea that google earth did anything more than give you directions.  I remember when I first heard about it and thought it was cool that you could type your address into the search and it would take you to your house from a satellite picture.  So to learn how to do this tour on Google earth it was so much interesting.  I thought it was fairly simple and something I could repeat.  I also don't know about the credibility of the little tabs we were creating.  This made me realize that I should be aware of the random tabs people may have created.  I also thought it was really cool that in some of the big cities we could see the town in 3D. 
This would be a great thing to implement in a math classroom because I could ask students to find the distance between two points, like their house and the school or their house and a place they would like to visit.  They could also do something similar with the tour and then they could find the equations of the line and the slopes of the lines between the two different coordinates.
Today we also got to work a little more on our iMovie.  We finished filming and got an opportunity to use the green screen.  Then we were able to upload that information and add the scene we just filmed and put the appropriate background there.  That was a lot of fun and I think we are one of the only teams from our class that ended up using the green screen.  

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